I was watching the news yesterday, viewing the disaster in Brazil. These past few days there have been floodings in Australia and other countries, a tragic shooting in Arizona, mudslides in Brazil, and myriads of other tragedies on a much smaller scale. When I turned on the TV, a picture of a man from Brazil was on the screen. He was holding the tinest snow white coffin. It must have been 18 inches long, maybe a bit longer, but not much. The announcer was saying, "...and even babies have been caught up in the floods."
I prayed immediately for these parents, for I know the pain of child loss. I prayed for the thousands of others who have lost so much, or all they had, this week. My finite mind cannot understand such pain, but I can pray for these people.
And, I can change my thinking.
When I need to do a household chore, I will forget that my back hurts, do it, and thank God I have a home to attend to.
When I pay for a medical bill, instead of complaining that insurance should have paid more, I will gladly write the check and thank God I have medical care and health insurance.
When I get a glass of tap water and think bottled would taste better , I will thank God I have water at all, and clean water at that.
When I have a peanut butter sandwich and wish I felt well enough to make a home cooked meal, I will thank God I have something to eat, period.
I am so spoiled. I have SO much, and need to fully appreciate what I do have.
Yes, I have buried a child, but I will remember the other man the announcer mentioned - the one who lost all four of his children, had to dig each out of the mudslide, and walked for miles to take each to be buried.
Lord, I thank you immensely for everything I have. I can't do much for these people of tragic circumstances, but I can pray for them and I promise to do that faithfully.