I have been feeling badly for several weeks and I didn't feel like getting out in this heat to shop for things for a memory box for August 19. So, in honor of our babes gone too soon, I wanted to donate to someone who has lifted my spirits. There are so many of you who have given to me in honor of Meredith and I eventually want to do something for these organizations who have shared with me. This time I decided to donate to Triplet Butterfly Wings. Rachel has raised and released many butterflies for bereaved parents in memory of her Jaxon, Colin, and Courtney. There are costs involved with raising the butterflies and she needs a new camera to take photos of the releases. I hope my little donation helps to soothe someone else's heart.
That is such a beautiful thing to do!! I love how this date is bringing us together to help each other. It's beautiful.
Sorry you haven't been feeling well. I think donating is a great idea. I'm so glad there is such a day like this to remember and help someone else that is going through a loss.
Always thinking of you & Meredith.
What a beautiful idea. Rachel works so hard on raising and releasing her butterflies in memory of our babies.
That is a WONDERFUL idea.
That was so nice of you to donate to Rachel!!!
You are the sweetest! Guess what? I am having lunch with Rachel next Friday. We only live about 50 miles from each other now. I can't wait. Wish I could have lunch with you, too.
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