I'm behind on blogging. I need to post about Meredith's celebration and the other sweet pictures and gifts she has been sent, her fall pictures, and a blog award I received. However, today is the day we remember our babies who couldn't stay here on Earth. All over the world, October 15th is a Day of Remembrance for families who have had pregnancy and infant loss. I would like to add that, in my opinion, anyone who has lost a child could use this day as a special remembrance date. It hurts to lose your children, whether you are 6 weeks along in pregnancy, your babe is stillborn, your baby dies at 4 weeks of age, or your child dies at 40 years of age. He or she is STILL your baby.
I have met so many mothers who have had losses and I mourn with all of you on this day. We are sisters in grief together. And we can be sisters in hope - hope for a brighter day; hope for a Rainbow baby; hope for our bereavement to become easier; hope for the future.
Remembering my child and yours always, as long as I have breath in my body.
Remembering with you and so many others today...
Remembering with your today ♥
I will be lighting a candle today. ((HUGS))
Lighting a candle in honor of Meredith today.
What a beautiful post, Sarita...
Beautifully said <3 Remembering with you.
I've been meaning to write you and let you know that I thought about that sweet girl of yours on her birthday! I didn't forget. I prayed for you and your family throughout the day. Meredith has a beautiful loving family.
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